Our Fiction and Screenwriting Critique Group was established, January 12, 2016, although most of us have been writing together for many years. We critique fiction, screenplay, and outlines. Most of our work is young adult and fantasy but we are not limited to these genre.
We meet twice a month, first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 7-9pm in Columbia, Maryland.
The critique group:
Reviews outlines for both fiction (shorts, novels) and screenplays.
Members are NOT required to write screenplays, just have an open mind if critiquing them.
Critiques (10 double spaced pages) fiction short story, novel or screenplay.
Gives line edits and/ or overall impressions.
Our members write mostly fiction.
We all write with a passion and are seasoned and/or published writers. At times we recruit for new members who can work on a deadline and provide and receive positive feedback, and who are willing to critique primarily fiction. We are not a social group but get together once a year for a holiday party to discuss our writing goals for the upcoming year.
Interested in joining our group? Visit our 'Apply to Join Our Group' page.
For more information contact Michelle Drumheller, at [email protected].
We meet twice a month, first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 7-9pm in Columbia, Maryland.
The critique group:
Reviews outlines for both fiction (shorts, novels) and screenplays.
Members are NOT required to write screenplays, just have an open mind if critiquing them.
Critiques (10 double spaced pages) fiction short story, novel or screenplay.
Gives line edits and/ or overall impressions.
Our members write mostly fiction.
We all write with a passion and are seasoned and/or published writers. At times we recruit for new members who can work on a deadline and provide and receive positive feedback, and who are willing to critique primarily fiction. We are not a social group but get together once a year for a holiday party to discuss our writing goals for the upcoming year.
Interested in joining our group? Visit our 'Apply to Join Our Group' page.
For more information contact Michelle Drumheller, at [email protected].